Sunday, January 25, 2009


Probably one of the most difficult and challenging things I have ever done... but well worth it.. I am really happy with the final product. It gives me the feel that I was looking for.

please tell me what you think!


  1. I actually like the stamp look for "eats" seeing it's bigger and more readable. It's a bit questionable for me for "on ponce" seeing it is smaller. As for the fork, it works as well. :)

  2. This definitely fits the mood of the restaurant better. You can tell by the stamp that they would serve good, cheap food. I like how the noodle hanging down from the fork sort of leads your eye to 'on ponce'.

  3. Yay you! I'm so proud of your potato stamp (and the fact that I've heard nothing about you bleeding in the process)

  4. actually I did it with a rubber stamp! a potato just didnt give me the surface area i needed!
