Wednesday, January 28, 2009

on ponce color variation

Trying different colors for "on ponce" I want to stick with a color that will allow your eye to read "eats" first and not like a bold color that will take your eye to "on ponce" first...

anywho... I think I am swaying to a color close to the bottom right if not that one.. 

I will probably explore more color possibilities tomorrow in class... I might even stray away from eats being orange and try a few other colors.. itll be hard but must be done :)


  1. First, I want to admit that I thought yu trying to pick a color foe eats and I was staring at my screen thinking "Those all look very similar..."

    Anyhoo, I think I like the bottom right and the blue that is second from the top on the right side. It's looking so nice!

    P.S. thank you for loving the shoes.

  2. Melanie, my next seat neighbor in class haha, I am really loving your logo. After you finished the stamp, im super blown away by it. I agree with you on exploring more colors. Maybe some kind of reddish color to imitate spaghetti sauce or to imply "hey! stop here and eats!" I had way to much coffee this morning...
