Sunday, March 22, 2009

woo hoo.

So following in the footsteps of Andrew I also created a light box. :) (Thanks for the tips btw)

There are a few things Ive got to fix... lighting etc. You also can see the box reflection in the bottle which is annoying. If anyone has any tips PLEASE leave a comment :)

 I also want to be futher back from the bottles. 

I am probably going to re-do the bottles and labels also.


  1. That's good that you're getting a start on it Melanie! :)

  2. the picture turned out really well! I didn't really notice the refelctyion of the box in the bottle untl you mentioned it.. and it still isnt too noticeable. I want to make one!

  3. I agree with shivani. I think no matter what you do, you're going to get some kind of glare of something. I think having the lightbox glare is better than that umbrella glare thing that photographers use to take portraits and you always see it in the model's eyes and it totally detracts from the image itself..i'm rambling.

    i think it's so bothersome to you because you built the box and therefore it's all you see. For me, it just looks like light is hitting the bottle in different places which I would expect.
